
Still Life Painting – 1

Hello, everyone! As you all know, I enjoy art almost as much as literature. Today, I have come with with a new still life new painting of mine that I hope you like. All of my paintings have been done using water colour media, save a few, which I have done using colour pencils. Most of the themes of my paintings are those given to us by our arts teacher, and I have painted most of these in school. The paintings I am going to post are in random order, and not according to the order of my painting them. I had, before this, posted two of my first pencil sketch – portraits which I hope you liked. If you haven’t checked them out, please do. But as for now, let’s get started:

Still Life Painting 1:

still life painting 1

This still life contains a packet of potato chips, a small bar of chocolate, a water bottle, and a tiffin box. The packet of chips, in this case, is the main object, with the three other objects around it complementing it. As you can see, I have kept a single – coloured background, as is the case with most of my paintings, as it is much easier to paint. I have used yellow ochre, black, prussian blue, olive green, and ultramarine blue in order to lessen the brightness of the objects and make the painting look more natural. I have also used white and black colour pencils for highlights.

The light, and shadows, as you can see, are not very dark. This is because when I was painting it, it was morning and there wasn’t a lot of sun. The intensity of light was very low, and hence even the shadows are light. Our art teacher has always advised us against using artificial light, unless we absolutely have to. Natural light gives a better effect, and a single direction to the shadows. Artificial lights are usually not fully focused on the scene. They may cast more than one shadow and highlights at different places, which will not make the arrangement look natural. It will also be difficult for us to paint two or three different shadows with varying intensity.

I just have enough time now to post this one picture. I hope you liked it. If you did, stay tuned for more. If you didn’t, then still stay tuned; who knows?, you might like the next post I post. I would recommend you to please check out my other posts, if you haven’t already. Please like, and follow my blog. It’s fun, and it’s free. And most importantly, stay home, and stay safe. Au revoir!